COVID-19 Guidelines

Stay safe with Locals in Athens


Please read the guidelines carefully before booking a walk.


In accordance with the safety and precautionary guidelines issued by the WHO, This is Athens with a Local asks the following measures to be applied:


  • Face masks are recommended for the duration of the walk, especially in crowded places.
  • Try to maintain a distance of at least one metre from other people where possible.
  • Wash your hands before and after the walk, at least for 20 seconds.
  • Use disinfectant regularly, especially after touching objects and surfaces in the open, to reduce the risk of spreading germs.
  • Persons with a fever higher than 37.5° are asked to cancel their scheduled walks for the safety of all participants. If the fever continues, please seek medical advice.

For more info and the latest measures to curb the incidents of COVID-19 please read our thorough coverage: