15th ICCE Global Coach Conference in Athens
Τhe 15th ICCE Global Coach Conference (ICCE GCC 2025) will take place in Athens, Greece, from the 20th to 23rd November 2025.
The ICCE GCC 2025 is co-organized by: (a) the Hellenic Federation of Sports Coaches and Trainers (POPA), a professional association representing all Greek coaches in Olympic and non-Olympic sports; and (b) the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE), a non-profit international organization dedicated to leading and supporting the global development of sport coaching.
The theme of the Conference is “The Coach in a fast-advancing technological society. Developing skills for 2030 and beyond” and the goal is to bring together coaches, coach developers, researchers, sports scientists, technical directors, institutions and sports administrators to discuss key issues in reference to coaches, explore new research on the topics, and share experiences with some of the world’s leading experts in coaching development.
Date: 20-November-2025 - 23-November-2025
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