All licensed taxis in Athens are equipped with metres. The fare is charged per kilometre and per hour. Make sure the metre is switched on as soon as you set off.
Beat (formerly Taxibeat) is an app-based yellow taxi service which finds your location, gives you choice of taxis and offers the options of paying in cash, by card, or using a Paypal account.
Uber is also available in Athens with the UberTaxi product—you can call an Uber via your app and a yellow taxi will pick you up.
Radio taxis are another option if you don’t feel like hitting the pavement to hail a cab, or if you want to ask for a specific pick-up time and date. Call them for a cab or pre-book online.
Taxiplon is a combination of web and app-based service that also offers business class vehicles and city tours.
Taxiplon: Website / Tel. 18222
Ikaros: Website / Tel. +30 210 515 2800