Allyson Glenn: Passages
“Could the ancient gods who lived human lives be of any use to us in modern times of trouble?” "What can we learn from the Greek myths and the gods that populate them?" Artists and writers have been pondering these questions through their creative endeavours for centuries. Canadian painter Allyson Glenn is the latest. She gave birth to her new exhibition Passages during her artistic residency in Athens at the Vorres Museum. Go see the ripe fruits of Glenn’s labours at this off-radar gem of a museum space that’s well worth the trek.
Price: €5
Date: -
Opening hours: Saturday & Sunday 10.00-14.00; or phone museum for an appointment during the week.
- Vorres Museum, 1 Parodos Diadochou Constantinou, Peania, 190 02
Wheelchair Accessible
- +30 210 664 2520