Book your seats for this bold opera adaptation of the monologue Kassandra by Uruguayan playwright Sergio Blanco, set to the music of acclaimed Argentine composer Pablo Ortiz. Premiered this August in Buenos Aires, the production features the celebrated transgender soprano Maria Castillo de Lima in the leading role and is directed by Diana Theocharidis and Alexandros Efklidis, director of the GNO Alternative Stage. This cutting-edge platform within the Greek National Opera is known for showcasing works that push the boundaries of traditional opera and theatre. Their 2024/25 season kicks off with this latest co-production with the renowned Teatro Colón.
Price: €10-20
Date: -
Time: 8.30 pm, Sunday 7.30 pm
- The Greek National Opera, SNFCC, 364 Syngrou Avenue, Kallithea, 176 74
Wheelchair Accessible
- +30 216 809 1000
- Website