Oedipus, Sex with Mum was Blinding
Back in the days of yore, when an ancient Greek play was staged, the audience participation was not only expected, but a given. This experimental cinematic opera will do just that. Fulbright Artist’s Award recipient for 2018-19 , Elli Papakonstantinou, loosely bases her work on Sophocles' classic tragedy Oedipus Rex, blending opera and jazz singers with live, augmented piano and cello. Oedipus, Sex with Mum was Blinding comes to Athens after its premiere at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York. With an all-female ensemble (yes, Oedipus is a woman), Papakonstantinou incorporates technology and video art into the performance. Emotional, striking, controversial, evoking the themes of freedom, politics and gender, this production is hot.
Price: 12€
Date: -
Time: 21.00
- Sfendoni Theater, 4 Makri, Acropolis, 117 42
- +30 215 515 8968