Symposium: Iro Vasalou and Snap Dance Company
What is love? asked Haddaway in the 90s. What is love? asked Plato in 380 BC. Choreographer Iro Vasalou and the Snap Dance Company ask the same timeless question with their recent dance that attempts to interpret Plato's Symposium, his work that famously contemplated on the nature of “eros”. The dance performance Symposium, created for four dancers and a musician, comes for three evenings to the Athens Concert Hall. The performers interact with various materials such as soil, plaster, paint, water, oranges, and cloth and translate Plato's praise of love into vivid images. You don’t need to dust off your ancient Greek; Vasalou reassures you that “It is not necessary to have read the Symposium to watch the show. [...] There's something revolutionary about love when it pushes you to leave logic behind and surrender to your senses."
Price: €10-15
Date: -
Time: 9 pm
- The Athens Concert Hall (Megaron) , 115 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, Athens, 115 21
Wheelchair Accessible
- +30 210 722 82714
- Website