Athens Art Book Fair 2022
How many forms can a book take? Art books (also known as artist books) are here to challenge your perspective on print. What are essentially art objects in book form, as well as a part of a wider artistic vision, these publications are experimental publishing at its finest. The Athens Art Book Fair is the only related fair in Greece since 2019, an artist-run initiative that showcases artist publications produced in Greece and around the world. Browse beautiful publications, learn new things like riso printing, and… watch out for papercuts. There’s going to be 80 exhibitors, a collective table with hand-picked gems by diverse creators, and a table dedicated to Peruvian art book publishing this year.
Tickets: Free admission
Dates: -
Time: Friday: 5 pm - 9 pm, Weekend: 11 am - 9 pm
- The Athens Conservatory, Rigillis & 17-19 Vasileos Georgiou B, Pangrati, 106 75
- +30 210 724 0673
- Website